Customer consumption psychology is worth learning from every hairdressing shop

Customer consumption psychology is worth learning from every hairdressing shop
Mar 13, 2023admin
Customer consumption psychology is worth learning from every hairdressing shop!
What is the purpose of opening a hairdressing shop? Of course, in order to make money, how to make money, attract more customers, so for the method of attracting customers, we must focus on grasping. First of all, we should start from the needs of customers, understand what customers think when they enter the store, in order to win the hearts of customers, so in the process of the operation of the hairdressing shop, it is also a process of communicating with customers, which can effectively mobilize the communication between employees and customers, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the store, which is obviously quite useful for investors who do not know how to open a barbershop. How do we start with the needs of our customers? The details are as follows:

First, the shaping of impressions

I believe everyone has heard that there is a popular Internet word called "seeing the light and dying", which is the most appropriate impression to describe the eyes. And for our customers, of course, this kind of thinking is also influenced by this. This means that the impression that the hairdresser creates for the customer influences the customer's initial judgment. When customers enter the store, the decoration, layout, atmosphere, etc. in the store are all related to the customer's impression. If outside your store, the signage and façade design make customers like it, customers are attracted to the store, but if the interior furnishings make customers feel uncomfortable, then customers will not enjoy the service here for long, because the main choice is in the hands of customers. In addition, the staff in the store brings quality service to customers, such as saying welcome with a smile when entering the door, creating a good impression for customers. The three aspects of exterior decoration, store furnishings and service constitute the psychological impression of customers.

Second, arouse interest

There is a process between arousing interest and generating desire. This process requires guidance from our hairstylists or staff, and of course, in this process, it is important to remember that you must put yourself in the customer's shoes. Think what the customer thinks, and change the customer's interest into the desire to possess. However, customers will also have doubts, and you can let customers experience by giving them a trial method, so that customers can truly experience it, in order to truly impress the customer's heart.

Third. The generation of desire

is a process between arousing interest and generating desire. This process requires guidance from our hairstylists or staff, and of course, in this process, it is important to remember that you must put yourself in the customer's shoes. Think what the customer thinks, and change the customer's interest into the desire to possess. However, customers will also have doubts, and you can let customers experience by giving them a trial method, so that customers can truly experience it, in order to truly impress the customer's heart.

Fourth, the process of weighing

Desire does not mean that customers will necessarily choose such products. In this case, the hairdresser can provide some reference for the customer, and promote the customer's consumption and let the customer make a decision by promoting the customer's consumption from the customer's hair quality, hair volume and the effect achieved.

Fifth. Generate trust

At present, mistrust has become a common problem of modern people, so employees should also build a relationship of trust with customers. In the early days of the pitch, of course, customers don't make a decision right away, but now? It is a very important factor to communicate with customers and make them trust themselves and their products. If you treat customers sincerely and provide good advice to customers, you can achieve the results you expect.