Loyal customers need to be cultivated by the hairdresser!

Loyal customers need to be cultivated by the hairdresser!
Dec 16, 2022admin

First, the correct concept law

hairdressers should make it clear that customers are gods is a matter of the last century. The hairdressing industry is changing rapidly, and the sales skills of hairdressers must continue to improve. It is necessary to put the customer in the position of a lover, care for the customer and design hair.

1, do not always put customers in the position of God, in modern society people's thinking is very progressive, do not ignore their own value and excessively promote customers and degrade themselves when getting along with customers.

2. We must treat customers as "lovers" and establish a correct customer view when contacting customer service. The rule of success for hairdressers is that if you want to reap the harvest, you must first pay. Win the trust of customers through your service attitude, just like falling in love, there is always one party to pay a little more, then this party must be a hairdresser, you first show your sincerity, customers are naturally willing to maintain a long-term "love" relationship with you.

Second, the law of goals

1, insight into the characteristics of the market area, no matter which province or city the hairdressing franchise store is opened, it is necessary to do market research before joining, understand the regional characteristics of the local market, investigate the business environment of the local hairdressing market and analyze the total demand and mode of the regional hairdressing market. In the process of market research, franchisees should run all the hairdressing shops in the region, so as to do a good job in market strategy analysis.

2, looking for "love" objects, in the vast number of people, hairdressing franchise stores should find their own prospective customers, to understand the necessary conditions and characteristics of prospective customers, that is, demand, purchasing power, decision-making power. Find out the effective customers, understand the location of the customer, find the best time to make the customer pay according to the customer's habits, and find out the reason in time if the customer does not buy.

3. Investigate the information of "lovers", usually investigate the community around the hairdressing franchise store or the place with a large flow of people, women's pursuit of fashion and consumption intensity, which hairdressing shop service they usually like to go to, and design some experience cards. According to his own investigation for a period of time, use the best advertising planning method to attract more "lovers" into the store to consume.

Third, screen the "love" goal

1, hairdressers should dare to hold a negative attitude in the daily workflow, and the hairdresser's own confidence is the key to achieving each purchase. If a hairdresser is not confident enough in himself, it is impossible to gain the customer's determination to buy. But you are professionals, for each service, you must be picky about your own technology, but you can't take the customer's pickiness too seriously, otherwise the service between the hairdresser and the customer will be difficult to get along.

Loyal customers need to be cultivated by the hairdressing shop itself!_Service

2, hairdressers should have confidence to show customers the value of the product or service, do not give customers a chance to calmly think about the product or service you introduced or displayed. When customers don't understand, they may start to complain and bargain, but hairdressers need to compare the price with the benefits of products and services, so that it will be easy to get customers.

In summary, only when the hairdressing shop handles the relationship with customers, will your hairdressing shop customers continue to flow, so as to continue to make profits.