How does it feel to be in the hairdressing industry?

How does it feel to be in the hairdressing industry?
Jun 09, 2023admin

What kind of experience is it to be in the hairdressing industry?

It's hard for people who work in the hairdressing industry, and they all get to the director step by step. The hardest part is the apprentice, the shampoo sister and so on. They have no rest for a week and work long hours every day, usually from 9: 00 a.m. to 10: 00 p.m., and arrive at the shop after 12:00 after the party.

Hairdressing is a career with a long career cycle. It costs a lot of money in the early stages of hairdressing. In the first three years, it basically earns living expenses, and in the last three years, you earn money while studying. Five or six years later, you can still mix in the hairdressing industry, which can be regarded as a talent. In a word, it is a very small number of people who get rich by hairdressing.

Feel very satisfied and happy, customers' hair is carefully built by themselves, to see them show a happy smile, I am also very gratified, although the barber is hard but as long as he is happy.

The customer group of the haircut industry: the customer group of haircut has a wide range, from children of a few years old to people in their tens of years old. And now a large number of young and middle-aged people will do styling. What's more, even shampoo and nursing care have to go to the hairdresser's.

The hardest part is the apprentice, the shampoo sister and so on. There is no rest for a week, and the working hours are long and long every day, usually from 9: 00 a.m. to 10: 00 p.m., after the party and arriving at the shop after 12:00. The opportunity for a month's rest is also relatively few, and the salary is charged on a piece basis.

How do you feel about women being hairdressers?

Because a hairstylist is a service industry, adults generally don't like girls to intervene, and the name of a hairstylist in the morning doesn't sound so good. That is, the status of hairstylist has improved in recent years. This profession is very promising, in Japan, hair stylist status is very high. If you like it, do it.

My girlfriend is a senior hairstylist who has studied for several years because I have to do a lot of hairstyles every day. After going home, I am very tired. I am very happy every time I take the time to do my hair. I think this is very good. What my girlfriend does, it is the most handsome.

Beauty found that men do more, and according to the current market, girls can do hairdressing, but it is not easy to get a haircut. I am a female hairstylist, very difficult, often questioned by customers, compared to being a perm technician is much better. Basically, most of the technicians are women.

Annoyed, bored, facing all kinds of people, saying different things, telling lies in front of the mirror all day. I've been doing this for 11 years.

What's it like to work in the hairdressing industry for many years?

In the eyes of laymen in the hairdressing industry, it may also be regarded as an industry with explosive wages and easy freedom. In fact, I do not have this feeling in the hairdressing industry for five years. Salary is proportional to us. Because you pay how much to get how much return this truth can not be overturned.

What you are showing now is that you are tired of your current job, which spreads to other people. It is recommended to take a break and adjust, sort out your train of thought, and then choose a job that suits you.

It's hard for people who work in the hairdressing industry, and they all get to the director step by step. The hardest part is the apprentice, the shampoo sister and so on. They have no rest for a week and work long hours every day, usually from 9: 00 a.m. to 10: 00 p.m., and arrive at the shop after 12:00 after the party.

If you can stick to it, it's better to stick to it. after all, it has been based on it for so many years. Many people think that hairdressing is getting harder and harder to do, working long hours, and the income is not high, so they have the idea of changing careers.

If you have done a haircut for 10 years, the more you do it, the more uncomfortable you feel, which is due to work pressure, working environment, work content and other reasons. You can ask for help, adjust your work style, seek career development, participate in training and study, and maintain a positive attitude.

When this feeling persists for a long time, it indicates that "job burnout" is attacking you. At this time, it is appropriate to deal with the mood first, and then deal with things, rather than go to work with emotions.