I'm going to open a hair salon. Where can I open it?

I'm going to open a hair salon. Where can I open it?
Jun 18, 2023admin

Site selection conditions for opening a small barber shop

1. The principle of selecting the location of a hair salon, the accurate orientation of the type of operation, the initial investment and the positioning of consumer groups determine whether your beauty salon is a membership club or a specialty store, a compound beauty salon or a community beauty salon.

2. The target consumers of the children's barbershop are 0-8 years old. Among them, the majority of consumers are 0-3 years old, because this age is the time when they can not sit still, and it is the most difficult to cut. But transportation is more expensive than a child's haircut, which is a worry for many parents.

3. Therefore, when selecting a site, the first and most important consideration is the three elements of the business circle: ①, where there are many residents, that is, the living conditions of consumers; ②, where there are convenient transportation facilities, that is, transportation facilities; and there are institutions or facilities near ③ that attract people, that is, crowd gathering conditions.

Where is the most popular hair salon in the country?

MASCOLO family hairdressing legend, Dongtian styling DONGTIAN, HAIR CODE guava, Mando Mentor, Armani AMANI, Coconut Island YESIDO, HAIR CORNER, Kuaifa QC House, Starkado, Yuan Y YUAN. The history of the MASCOLO family hairdressing legend TONI&GUY bears witness to the immortal legend of the MASCOLO family.

The brand of beautiful pastoral beauty salon has always been at the forefront of beauty technology. at present, there are 234 beautiful pastoral chain stores covering 80 cities across the country, with up to 400000 members.

I worked at Shuangqiao last year. Let me give you an objective evaluation. There are many double bridges in hair salons, which can be divided into two types. 1 is the synthesis of external innovation. 2 is a traditional store. The difference is that you are easy to be slaughtered in a category 1 store and are not good at serving a good hairstylist. Their hairdresser is very good at talking.

I've been to a barbershop like this. It broke my hair. I don't believe in such a store anymore. My colleague asked me to go to Idea Etimel to find Xiao Yi to do it. Make it for a change, it's quite cheap, one or two hundred yuan is good, and there's a shop under it that pulls people. Pestering me and not letting me go.

Celebrities. Located in the south of the city and Yangliu bend hairstyle set. It is located on the third floor of business.

Where is the right place to open a middle and high-end hair salon?

Once you have determined the type of beauty salon you own, you can choose a suitable location in residential areas, offices, downtown areas, mixed office and residential areas, suburbs, etc. The selected area must match the type of store you open.

Therefore, before opening a store, the advisor should choose the "most suitable" place to open the store, rather than the "best and most expensive" location. The location of hair salons is generally better in residential areas with high population density, because ordinary consumers have the habit of making use of nearby facilities to spend nearby.

In fact, to find a good rental point is improvised, there is nothing fixed. I personally feel that any place with a large flow of people is fine. Observe yourself. As long as there are 3 or 4 small supermarkets nearby, you can open a barber shop. Several supermarkets will not lose money, so you will not lose money.

For example, the current positioning of hair salons are: large-scale professional hairdressing shop, professional shampoo shop, professional perm shop, boutique, community shop, large-scale hairdressing, beauty and leisure shop, and so on. When ⑶ formulates the business strategy, the orientation of the hair salon should be transformed into a specific guiding ideology, that is, it should be reflected through the business strategy and realized through the specific business behavior.

The best place to open a hair salon

Where can I open a barber shop? It is best to open near the community, so that the flow of people is relatively large nail salons suitable for where more office workers can be opened in the area and slightly more high-end community, where people have higher spending power.

It is good to open a hair salon near Red Flag Street and Wanda Square in Jinzhou District. Red Flag Street: red Flag Street is located in the middle of Jinzhou District, with a large flow of people, a strong business atmosphere and low rent, so it is a more suitable place to set up a hairdressing shop.

Therefore, before opening a store, the advisor should choose the "most suitable" place to open the store, rather than the "best and most expensive" location. The location of hair salons is generally better in residential areas with high population density, because ordinary consumers have the habit of making use of nearby facilities to spend nearby.

Where is a good place to open a barber shop?

If you want to open a community beauty salon, you should choose a location in a residential area or a mixed residential office area. The principle of customer analysis suppose you want to open a beauty salon in a residential community.

Therefore, before opening a store, the advisor should choose the "most suitable" place to open the store, rather than the "best and most expensive" location. The location of hair salons is generally better in residential areas with high population density, because ordinary consumers have the habit of making use of nearby facilities to spend nearby.

commercial centre. The commercial centers of Luohu, Futian and Nanshan in the center of Shenzhen, where the flow of people is relatively large and the consumption level is relatively high, are suitable for setting up high-end barber shops.

Fast barber shop is more suitable to open in or near large supermarkets and shopping malls. The reason for opening in these places is that the environment is good, the flow of people is large all the year round, and a sufficient source of customers can bring more benefits. Many people can get a haircut when they go to the supermarket or shopping mall.

First of all, it depends on you. What kind of barber shop do you open? Where is your customer location? Is it for ordinary people? Or fashion youth, mainly to dye the hair fashion. The former had better be driven around the residential area. It's better to drive next to a small restaurant.

How to choose the location of the hair salon?

The main contents are as follows: 1. The relationship between the characteristics of the street and the passenger flow should be analyzed when selecting the site. in principle, the operating location of the beauty salon should select the area with large passenger flow, and the location should be determined by the direction of passenger flow due to traffic reasons. if you choose the location facing the station, the passenger flow of the following cars is dominant, while in the location adjacent to the bus stop, the passenger flow of the above cars is mainly.

2. Therefore, site selection is particularly important for the development of children's barbershops. There are generally three kinds of stores: community shop, business district store and store-in-store. Overall, adequate passenger flow in the business district is good for brand promotion; stores in stores can make franchisees take advantage of shopping centers; and community stores have the advantages of low rents and fixed customer base.

3. Therefore, when choosing the address of a barber shop, you should choose the area where the popularity or demand is prosperous, where the popularity is prosperous and the business opportunities are prosperous naturally; or choose the location in the professional market of Chengxing city, and rely on the influence of the overall atmosphere to seek win-win results. Only in this way can shops have the advantage of making profits.

4. It is good to choose the location of a hairdressing shop near a larger residential area. The number of people living in a larger residential area will not be too small, and a residential area is enough to raise a small barber shop. Even if there are other barber shops nearby, it won't make much difference.