Learn to have a haircut. What do you learn first?

Learn to have a haircut. What do you learn first?
Jun 10, 2023admin

Where should I learn the first step of getting a haircut?

What do you learn first when you get a haircut? To learn hairdressing is to start with nursing care. Shampoo, scalp care and so on. There are two modes of learning. the first is to go to the hairdresser's to learn from the master and to be an apprentice. This kind of study time will be very long, basically every year will be able to touch the industry threshold.

Go to the barber shop to learn, go to the shop is generally in the form of apprenticeship haircut, the early is more in the chores, there are many customers in the shop, the barber can only teach you when there are no customers in the spare time. And there is no guarantee that you can learn the real haircut skills, because the skills of barbers in each store are different.

The basic steps for a novice to learn a haircut include: proficiency in the use of tools (such as scissors, hairdryer, etc.), mastery of various cutting methods (such as cutting, notch cutting, flying cutting, slipperming, etc.), and learning a perm, which are only the most basic steps for beginners. Haircut technique: cut off your hair neatly with scissors.

The first step must be to learn the theory and find a suitable barber shop to learn and practice. I work in a barber's shop. Can choose a small barber shop, if there is a recruitment, you can go in to study. Every day to pay more attention to observe the barber's techniques and skills, slowly into the state, this is the observation stage.

As an apprentice in a shop, starting with an apprentice in a barber shop, it will definitely take a long time, because after all, it is not a professional haircut, it is just a kind of help, and of course there will be very little time to study, generally speaking, in 5-8 months. If you want to learn more, it will take at least two years.

What do you start with when you learn hairdressing?

The most basic thing to learn about hairdressing is. Basic haircut. Basic perm. Basic hair dye. Introduction to hairdressing, hairdressing appliances, awareness and use of hair physiology. Profession. Wet washing process. Dry cleaning standard operation is the same as. And flushing skills. Professional salon nursing technology. Nutritious baked oil. And the essence of the spa is introduced into the hair water light needle. Professional basic techniques of hair dryer.

In addition to picking and cutting, cutting is also often used in the process of haircutting. Third, learn to perm in addition to blow-cut, there are more important perms and dyeing, different people are suitable for different sizes of perms, and now a variety of perms are novices need to make efforts to learn.

Second, look at DVD. If you want to learn by yourself, you can also go to the market to buy some teaching videos. There are recorded DVD discs that you can watch repeatedly at home. When you feel the time is ripe, you can get a haircut with your family or friends. After all, they are relatives, and even if they don't cut very well, they won't complain too much. To get started slowly.

Boys should realize that any industry must first become an immigrant apprentice because of its zero foundation. Only by learning skills with a master can they learn beauty and hairdressing more quickly.

Learn to shampoo your hair first, and start with shampoo, because the first step in all haircuts, whether it's a haircut or perm, is to wash your hair. Shampoo is very important for a barber, just like the basic skills.

Then according to my experience in learning hairdressing, come to them to talk about how to learn hairdressing. When I learn hairdressing, it is impossible for me to systematically learn hairdressing and go to the hairdressing shop, because the learning time of the hairdressing shop is longer, the learning opportunities are less, and the things I have learned are even less.

Learn the steps of getting a haircut

Go to the barber shop to learn, go to the shop is generally in the form of apprenticeship haircut, the early is more in the chores, there are many customers in the shop, the barber can only teach you when there are no customers in the spare time. And there is no guarantee that you can learn the real haircut skills, because the skills of barbers in each store are different.

The first step for a novice to learn the basic steps of a haircut is to master how to use tools, including those used for blowing, cutting, ironing, etc. Among them, to cut hair as an important link, you need to learn from how to get the tools to the techniques used.

The basic steps for a novice to learn a haircut include: proficiency in the use of tools (such as scissors, hairdryer, etc.), mastery of various cutting methods (such as cutting, notch cutting, flying cutting, slipperming, etc.), and learning a perm, which are only the most basic steps for beginners. Haircut technique: cut off your hair neatly with scissors.

The first step of a haircut is to wash the hair with warm water first, which is easy to take care of after cleaning. When washing your hair, you should pay attention to the water temperature not to be too hot, so as not to burn the scalp, and then you need to massage the scalp with your fingers.

The way to cut your own hair is as follows: use a rubber band to tie your hair to the back, and you can decide the reserved length of your hair according to your own needs. The step is to tie up the hair of the answer face to one side and cut it to the reserved length with scissors. Step: hold the hair in the left hand and push the hair section flat with the razor in the right hand.

To sum up, the step of learning haircut is to learn theoretical knowledge and accumulate experience in practice.

What is the basic skill of learning hairdressing

1. The basic skill of learning hairdressing is to practice diligently. No matter what stage you are in, whether you are a student or a perm artist, you must listen more, watch more and practice more when you have nothing to do.

2.) scissors exercise training: scissors exercise training is the beginning of becoming a basic hairstylist. Five moves, eight beats. 2) the type, size, function, explanation and application of scissors, flat scissors, tooth scissors. 3) the analysis of the relationship between the major schools and scissors.

3, mainly scissors and hair to maintain oblique upward or downward haircut, can not be cut in parallel, but to oblique movement to cut, so that there will not be overlap, affecting the hair level. The zigzag part should be considered in advance so that you have a clear idea.

4. Haircut is the most basic action in the art of hairdressing. The effect of hairstyle design must be through lean haircut skills in order to give full play to the style of the designer. The relevant basic skills are as follows: understanding scissors: the understanding and use of scissors is the beginning of becoming an excellent hairdresser.

5. The most important thing for beginners to have a haircut is to understand and be familiar with each reference point of the human head. Then it is to master the partition line and partition line: divide the hair into several areas before haircut to reduce the trimming space in order to achieve the accuracy of trimming. Division line: the hair film is subdivided in the separated area to form a layer that can be accurately trimmed.