Many children have fear of haircut, how to guide it?

Many children have fear of haircut, how to guide it?
Jun 23, 2023admin

What if the child doesn't like a haircut?

1, the child does not like to cut hair how to do 1 ease the child's fear do not mention the haircut in front of the child, can be said to take care of the hair, because the child for "cut" the word. Because the baby has a certain fear of the word "cut".

2. Equal communication with children. You can ask the child why he or she doesn't want a haircut. If the child has incorrect cognition, he or she should be guided calmly. It can be positively enhanced. When they see a boy with short hair, parents can tell their children that this young man is really energetic, masculine and refreshing with short hair in summer.

3. The first trick: take your child to visit a barber's shop, just like going to a fun place, but also let the child observe closely, let the child know about the barber, the tools used by the barber, and how others cut their hair. In this way, children will no longer be afraid of the strange haircut environment when they get a haircut.

Many children have fear of haircut, how to guide it?

When you have a haircut, you should be gentle, don't compete with your baby, and follow your baby's movements. Pay attention to the baby's expression at all times. If the baby is unhappy and wants to cry, please stop shaving immediately. This is done to prevent the baby from hurting the baby when crying.

Children do not like a haircut how to ease the fear of children do not mention a haircut in front of children, it can be said to take care of hair, because children for the word "haircut". Because the baby has a certain fear of the word "cut".

First familiarize your child with the tools for haircutting parents want to make their children stop resisting haircuts, so try to dispel their children's fear of haircuts and let them know that haircuts will not hurt him.

What are the ways to make the child stop crying loudly with a haircut?

Therefore, distraction is a very effective way. It is usually of little use to coax the child verbally, but it is effective to show the baby his favorite cartoons, or to let the baby bring his favorite toy before taking him to the haircut. When the child's attention is successfully diverted, naturally there will be no more crying.

It is easy to divert your baby's attention when you get a haircut. Often a beloved toy and a delicious snack can ease your baby's crying mood.

Appease the child's mood when the child is in the haircut, the child is easy to cry, this is a very normal phenomenon, will happen to many children. When children are 0-3 years old, they will also be relatively timid. when parents see such a situation, we should first appease their children and tell them not to be so afraid.

When the baby has a haircut, he is afraid to cry, how to eliminate the fear of the baby?

When you have a haircut, you should be gentle, don't compete with your baby, and follow your baby's movements. Pay attention to the baby's expression at all times. If the baby is unhappy and wants to cry, please stop shaving immediately. This is done to prevent the baby from hurting the baby when crying.

Conclusion: don't force the child, I'll cut it for you. The more you cry, the more I cut it, and I'll treat you. This is definitely wrong behavior. If the child is repelling, you might as well take him to a professional children's barber shop or take care of a child barber to come home to cut your child. Maybe your technique and your electric pusher hurt the baby.

Appease the child's mood when the child is in the haircut, the child is easy to cry, this is a very normal phenomenon, will happen to many children. When children are 0-3 years old, they will also be relatively timid. when parents see such a situation, we should first appease their children and tell them not to be so afraid.

It is natural to have a fear of a haircut. How to make the child not cry or make noise and cooperate obediently when getting a haircut? Divert the child's attention when the child is in the haircut, if all the attention is on the barber's movements, he will keep crying out of fear.

Sum up. If the child is always crying when he gets a haircut, we should not indulge the child too much. We should know that if the child is always crying, it may be because the parents spoil them too much, so sometimes if the attitude is a little tougher, the child can also be obedient.