What are the tips for a haircut?

What are the tips for a haircut?
Jun 08, 2023admin

What's the recipe for learning a haircut?

1. Haircut: it is better to be long than short, thick than thin, low rather than high. Perm: the curl degree would rather be small than big, and the curl core should be / small rather than big. Hair dye: chromaticity / depth of one degree, not light half degree. Hue / it is better dark than bright. The haircut technique determines the length of the hair. The part where the fingers hold the hair to determine the length of the hair.

2. You can choose your own hairstyle, ten cents per head. If you can't shave well, you don't pay. A common saying like this is a gold and silver full moon haircut, a three-year scissors, and a five-year knife, which means that if a barber wants to be skilled, he must use three-year scissors and a five-year razor to really grasp the skill.

3. The four jingles of shaving are as follows: Chengdu runs through the city of Jiuli, and Chengdu to Pixian is a county. Say whether it is near, say not far away. You can choose your own hairstyle, a dime per head. If you can't shave well, you don't pay.

4. They should learn to have their hair cut. Physical and chemical is not a haircut, a haircut is not physical and chemical. Learn physics and chemistry can not cut hair, learn to cut hair also do not understand physics and chemistry.

A recipe for hair-cutting skills, briefly.

1. The formula for a haircut is long rather than short, thick rather than thin, low rather than high. Perm: the curl degree would rather be small than big, and the curl core should be / small rather than big. Hair dye: chromaticity / rather deep degree, not light half degree. Hue / it is better dark than bright.

2. Seek stability first, then accuracy, and finally speed. First look up and down, then left and right, and finally look at the hand position. Summarize the theory from practice and use practice to verify the theory. Use your mind to control the outline of your hair, your eyes to control the angle of your left hand, and your right hand to control scissors and tools. The left hand controls the mind, the right hand controls the tool.

3. Push down on both sides, the top of the head is 37 points, the left and right sides are asymmetrical, the occipital bone is the midline, the left side is thinner, and the right angle is high. Leave long treatment in the middle, step by step on both sides, bangs for swing, 1/3 on both sides, with an angle behind, the occipital bone cannot be exposed.

What are four jingles for shaving your head?

Say whether it is near, say not far away. You can choose your own hairstyle, a dime per head. If you can't shave well, you don't pay.

Give a child a shaving to say three sentences and four sentences, and a razor to say a sentence is divided into three parts: the gold hook hangs the silver account, please come out and sit in the hall. Yesterday, the prime minister was shaved, and today he shaved Yuanlang.

Don't take a bath when you're full, don't shave your head if you're hungry. Shave your head and take a bath. The knife is sharp and scalp bare (shaving). It is better to sweep the floor than to burn incense and to eat meat than to shave your head. As soon as I learned to shave my head, I came across a hairy beard. The government is a razor, shaving the head and two ways. A bald head shaves quickly.

The knife is sharp and scalp bare (shaving). It is better to sweep the floor than to burn incense and to eat meat than to shave your head. 4 whether it is near or not, it is not far away. You choose your own hairstyle, you can't shave well, you don't pay for it. I hope it will be helpful to you, please praise it if you are satisfied, thank you for shaving your head [abstract] four jingles [question] 1 do not take a bath when you are full, and whether you are hungry or not.

If you shave your head three times, but not three times, it is outrageous; if you shave your head three times, you will not grow bald or sore.

Physics, chemistry and haircut around the classic password formula

Learn physics and chemistry can not cut hair, learn to cut hair also do not understand physics and chemistry. Other tongue twisters: White and deer to buy cloth and deer, shops to buy cloth. White avoid buying white cloth, deer buy cloth, white rabbit wear white trousers made of white cloth, deer wear trousers made of white cloth. Buy vegetables. Xiao Ai and Xiao Dai go shopping together.

Big fish do not come to small fish, small fish do not come to shrimp and crabs; shrimp and crabs come to small fish, small fish come to big fish. Other tongue twisters: physics and chemistry or haircut eldest brother should learn physics and chemistry, eldest sister should learn haircut, physics and chemistry is not haircut, haircut is not physics and chemistry. Learning how to get a haircut doesn't necessarily mean getting a haircut, and learning to get a haircut doesn't necessarily make sense.

To recuperate the spleen and stomach, one should lift the spleen and stomach alone; look back at the five pains and seven injuries; shake the head and tail to get rid of the heart fire; two hands climb the feet to strengthen the kidney waist; save the fist to increase the strength; all diseases disappear in the back.

What is the formula for hairdressing color from 1 to 9?

1, 4, gray and brown (are omnipotent colors, almost all colors can be used, green can be used in some places). Five, purple and blue (use less, use with caution). A pigment that is smaller than the target color. Sixth, perfect combination: add degree and tune together to cover directly. Seventh, a high degree of combination: first make a perfect combination, and then use the perfect combination method to cover.

2. From 1 to 9 are: natural color, gray, purple, golden yellow, orange, fuchsia, red, green, blue. The vertical line 1-9 on the hair dye board represents the chromaticity, and the horizontal line 1-9 represents the hue. Hairdressing has evolved from shaving in the Qing Dynasty to modern hairdressing, hairdressing, hairstyling and perming.

3.-dark black, 2-natural black, 3-dark brown, 4-brown, 5-light brown, 6-dark gold, 7-gold, 8-light gold, 9-light gold, 10-very light gold. According to the tone division, the hair is generally divided into seven tones, which are represented by 1 to 7 numbers.

4. The basic knowledge of hairdressing color is as follows: the technical term of hair color is as follows: the darker the color is, the smaller the color is, the lighter the color is, for example, the darker black color is 3 degrees, and the dark coffee color is 3-4 degrees. Coffee color 4-5 degrees, grandma gray and linen color 8-9 degrees.

5, hue meaning: hue 1: dark black; hue 2: natural black; hue 3: dark brown; hue 4: brown; hue 5: light brown; hue 6: dark gold; hue 7: gold; hue 8: light gold; hue 9: light gold; tone 0: very light gold.