How to prevent customers from rejecting hairdressers

How to prevent customers from rejecting hairdressers
Mar 10, 2023admin
How to prevent customers from rejecting hairdressers?
Many hairdressers complain that it is very difficult for customers to sell products now, how to make customers trust themselves? Today teaches you how to successfully sell products in daily hair sales, improve personal performance and make hairdressers profitable.

First, strengthen customer trust

The first is the knowledge stage: hairdressers use professional skills and expertise to convince customers. At this stage, the hairdresser needs to subtly demonstrate your expertise and make customers trust you. Customers may not fully understand your knowledge, but it's enough to make them feel like you're right. Because, this is a good impression that is conducive to further persuasion.
The second is the psychological stage: The psychological stage is to supplement the intellectual persuasion stage to strengthen the positive impression. First of all, to cater to the individual's temperament, to create an atmosphere of trust and recognition, usually in this atmosphere, customers are more likely to accept the advice and persuasion given by the hairdresser.

Secondly, hairdressers should be good at seizing the opportunity to meet with customers individually

How to consult and analyze hairstyles with customers in a quiet meeting room is far more effective and lasting than in a noisy hair salon. Some hairdressers will hope to define their relationship with customers at the level of friends and confidants, and through this relationship, they can grasp the psychology and trends of customers, but it is meaningless to do so.
First, the establishment of personal relationships is time-consuming and delays the promotion of sales behavior; Because the content of these conversations cannot lead to practical benefits. Second, customers will be upset about the secrets they have told you, and they will be disgusted by their own indiscretions. This will make your relationship with your customers more insecure. What should not be said: It is not easy to talk about politics, it is not easy to talk about religion, it is not easy to talk about personal privacy. What to say: Once you have a customer's personality and taste, you don't need to pretend that you like what she likes, but try to talk about what she likes. Gradually, spontaneously recount herself when talking about topics she loves, and that's when you know more clearly what she really needs.

Finally, hairdressers should be good at understanding the inner needs of customers

Modern women's inner needs for hairdressing are nothing more than the desire to regain the youth that has gradually passed, so when the customer enters the hairdressing center, what she expects is a plan that can improve her appearance, and if after just one and a half hours, the customer's hairstyle has improved significantly, then the next "selling products" stage will be much easier.