Basic Techniques of Haircutting: A Guide for Beginners

Basic Techniques of Haircutting: A Guide for Beginners
Jun 13, 2023admin

The steps of learning to get a haircut

Go to the barber shop to learn, go to the shop is generally in the form of apprenticeship haircut, the early is more in the chores, there are many customers in the shop, the barber can only teach you when there are no customers in the spare time. And there is no guarantee that you can learn the real haircut skills, because the skills of barbers in each store are different.

The first step for a novice to learn the basic steps of a haircut is to master how to use tools, including those used for blowing, cutting, ironing, etc. Among them, to cut hair as an important link, you need to learn from how to get the tools to the techniques used.

The basic steps for a novice to learn a haircut include: proficiency in the use of tools (such as scissors, hairdryer, etc.), mastery of various cutting methods (such as cutting, notch cutting, flying cutting, slipperming, etc.), and learning a perm, which are only the most basic steps for beginners. Haircut technique: cut off your hair neatly with scissors.

The basic technique of shampoo in the barber shop 1 massage focuses on the muscles on both sides of the neck, shoulder and spine, the gesture is slow and heavy, and the sitting posture of the guest is adjusted at any time.

The first step in cleaning your hair and getting a haircut is to wash your hair with warm water first, which is easy to take care of after washing your hair. When washing your hair, you should pay attention to the water temperature not to be too hot, so as not to perm the scalp, and then you need to massage the scalp with your fingers.

After slippery cutting, the hair will show a slight sense of connection and direction. Thin shears include knife teeth of various densities. Therefore, when using, pay attention to the needs of the hairstyle, such as wide teeth thin shears is to increase its fault effect, so that the hairstyle has an obvious sense of hierarchy. Haircare (haircut for short), also known as hair care.

Basic techniques of haircut for beginners

Beginners' hair-cutting techniques are: clip-cut, grab-cut, pick-cut, saw-cut, and cut. Clip clipping is a very high frequency technique for finger clipping hair trimming, which is characterized by convenient operation. When clipping, first use a comb to distribute pieces in order to comb the hair longitudinally or horizontally.

Familiar with hair cutting skills, straight cutting, the effect after cutting is a cross-cutting, the scissors will directly cut the hair with cross-cutting.

First, use an electric shaver to shave the hair on both sides of the cheek. Then shave off the back of the head. Then repair the hair on the top of the head, this part of the hair is relatively long, need to clip the hair with your fingers, haircut special scissors while cutting, while observing. Comb your hair with a comb.

The most important thing for beginners to have a haircut is to understand and be familiar with the reference points of the human head. 02 then is to master the partition line and division line: divide the hair into several areas before haircut to reduce the trimming space in order to achieve the accuracy of trimming.

What are the basic techniques of a haircut?

Beginners' hair-cutting techniques are: clip-cut, grab-cut, pick-cut, saw-cut, and cut. Clip clipping is a very high frequency technique for finger clipping hair trimming, which is characterized by convenient operation. When clipping, first use a comb to distribute pieces in order to comb the hair longitudinally or horizontally.

The technique of hair cutting is to comb a strand of hair with a comb and then grasp it with your fingers for trimming. It is different from clip cutting, the hair picked up by clip clip is in piece shape, while the hair grasped by clip clip is usually a bunch, the base is larger and the hair is slightly pointed. Scissors are usually used for trimming the top and sides of the hair.

The basic techniques of hair cutting for beginners are some haircut, slippery cutting and thin cutting. Point cutting is a way to reduce the density of hair, but when you cut it, different height will have different effects.

Basic skills in barber teaching

The main results are as follows: 1. The effect of direct shearing is cross-cutting, and the scissors are used to cut the hair directly.

2. Turn the flat knife to make the hair stick. How to practice the basic skills of hairdressing, haircutting, scissors and flippers first of all, the comb should be held firmly when you want to lift and cut your hair. Use the pushed hair to guide the next piece. Think about it.

3. The most basic skill to learn hairdressing is. Basic haircut. Basic perm. Basic hair dye. Introduction to hairdressing, hairdressing appliances, awareness and use of hair physiology. Profession. Wet washing process. Dry cleaning standard operation is the same as. And flushing skills. Professional salon nursing technology. Nutritious baked oil. And the essence of the spa is introduced into the hair water light needle. Professional basic techniques of hair dryer.

4. The operation skills of sawing shears are as follows: the scissors and the hair are kept oblique upward or downward, not parallel, but diagonally moved, so that they do not overlap and affect the hair hierarchy. The zigzag part should be considered in advance so that you have a clear idea.

5.) scissors training: scissors training is the beginning of becoming a basic hairstylist. Five moves, eight beats. 2) the type, size, function, explanation and application of scissors, flat scissors, tooth scissors. 3) the analysis of the relationship between the major schools and scissors.

6. If you don't cut the bangs, you can cut it with your own hands, comb it with a comb, clip the end of your hair with the middle finger of your index finger, and then cut it with scissors.