How to arrange the time for the baby's first haircut? can I get a haircut by myself?

How to arrange the time for the baby's first haircut? can I get a haircut by myself?
Jun 22, 2023admin

How should the time for the baby's first haircut be arranged? How to get a haircut at home?

1. The baby's first haircut can be done at home at the barber shop. To cut hair from a barbershop, you must choose a great hairdresser. In addition, the hairdresser must pass a health check. Beauty tools should be carefully examined, should be used as beauty tools for babies, and should be used through strict disinfection.

2. The best time to give a baby a haircut is within 1-3 months of birth. The baby's fetal hair begins to grow when the mother is 4 months pregnant, stops growing over time, and slowly turns yellow and falls off. Giving a baby a haircut can not only stimulate the growth of hair follicles, but also make the baby's hair thicker.

3. If it is a hot summer, the baby can get a haircut after the full moon to avoid skin eczema. Naturally, you don't have to shave it all off. A baby with shaved hair must pay attention to a hat when going out and keep his hair dry and irritable. Always sweating in summer, scrub in time to avoid the irritation of sweat to hair.

4. The baby's first haircut can be done in the barber shop or at home. If you cut your hair in a barber's shop, be sure to choose a skilled and experienced barber. Moreover, the barber must pass a health check-up.

When is the right time for a newborn baby to get a haircut?

Under normal circumstances, when the baby is three months old, most of them give the child a haircut for the first time after a hundred days. But if the child's hair grows fast, it may be earlier. Because the baby's skin is relatively tender, and there are fontanels, but also disobedient, if too early, afraid of causing damage to the baby.

The best time to give a baby a haircut is within 1 to 3 months of birth. The baby's fetal hair begins to grow when the mother is four months pregnant, stops growing over time, and slowly turns yellow and falls off. Giving a baby a haircut can not only stimulate the growth of hair follicles, but also make the baby's hair thicker.

Generally speaking, newborns have their heads shaved three months after birth, because the newborns are born with a haircut, which will cause some big or small damage to the baby's head. After all, a newborn's head is tender and fragile and may accidentally hurt the baby's head. So it makes sense to wait three months before shaving your head.

The baby needs a haircut. In general, a baby had better get a haircut after the full moon. The baby is easy to sweat, the hair is not easy to dissipate heat, the scalp is easy to grow prickly heat, on the other hand, the long hair will also absorb nutrition, which is not conducive to the baby's growth and development, so it is appropriate to give the baby a haircut as soon as possible after the full moon.

How to give a baby a haircut correctly

When buying baby haircut tools, it is recommended to choose round-headed, muted or noisy baby-specific haircut tools. You can go to the baby products counter or specialty store to buy, choose a reliable brand and safe products. Clean your fingers with soap and water before getting a haircut to keep your hands clean.

If you give your baby a haircut at home, it is very important to buy a suitable baby hairdresser first, with little noise or a silent haircut, to eliminate the baby's fear and the blade will not be in direct contact with the baby's skin. Clean your fingers with soap and water before getting a haircut to keep your hands clean.

To give a baby a haircut, be sure to get a dry haircut and wash your hair after a haircut. Baby fetal hair is already very soft, if shampoo after haircut, the hair will be softer, increasing the difficulty of haircut.

To give a baby a haircut, you must first make preparations. Choose a safe and easy-to-use haircut tool. When buying baby haircut tools, you can buy them at the infant products counter or specialty store, choose reliable brands and safe products, or learn lessons from people around you on parenting forums or from people around you.

First of all, to shave the baby's head, to use the baby's special hairdresser, be sure to choose a big brand, good quality shaver. A high-quality shaver won't get stuck in the baby's hair. The baby's hairdresser should be muted, waterproof, and can be shaved while the baby is asleep.

How to cut a baby's hair for the first time?

When cutting the baby's hair behind the ear, be sure to protect his ear from injury; do not wet the baby's hair immediately with cold water, but spray water on the comb and use the comb to remove the wet hair, which can prevent the flu; after the haircut, you can use a wide adhesive tape to glue off the broken little hair that remains on the baby's body.

When cutting your baby's hair behind your ears, be sure to protect his ears with your hands to avoid accidental injury; don't wet your baby's hair directly with clean water, but spray water on your comb and wet your hair with a comb to prevent a cold; after a haircut, you can use wide tape to glue off the broken hair left on the baby's body.

After shaving, use a very soft brush to sweep away the broken hair glued to the baby's body to prevent the baby from scratching. Wash your hair and clean your scalp and broken hair after shaving. Shampoo at this time need to pay special attention, can not put hair, foam into the baby's eyes, it is best to wash your hair on your back.

Shave the forehead first and then the back of the head, from both sides to the middle. When shaving your forehead, lie on your back in the arms of an adult in the baby's most comfortable position. When shaving the spoon of the head, let the baby lie on the baby's forearm and hold it steady. First shave off large chunks of your head and store them in a tissue prepared in advance.

Get ready to shave your head. The baby is too young, you must let someone hold him, and hold him firmly. Take out an apron and wrap it around the baby so that all the shaved hair will not fall on the baby. Shave the back of your head.