What tools do you use to cut natural bangs?

What tools do you use to cut natural bangs?
Jun 22, 2023admin

Cut bangs with flat scissors or tooth scissors

1. Let's see what bangs you cut. If you cut bangs, you can cut them flat. Clip all the bangs you want to cut with your middle finger and index finger, pull them at a 45-degree angle with your face, and then cut them along the horizontal line of your eyebrows. After cutting and trimming, you will look good. I was taught by a barber. I always cut like this.

2. Parallel pruning, the effect of cutting twice is hard and unnatural, and the effect of cutting five times is natural and soft. Tooth scissors: the most basic use is to adjust the hair volume and thin the bangs thickness. The effect of the bangs after flat cutting and trimming is relatively stiff, and the bangs will look better and the lines will be softer after thinning with tooth scissors.

3. The most basic function of tooth scissors is to adjust the hair volume and thin the bangs thickness. When flat trimming bangs, the effect of its lines is relatively stiff, it is best to use teeth to cut thin, its bangs lines are more soft and beautiful.

4. Cut Liu Hai with flat scissors or tooth scissors. If it is flat bangs, just use flat scissors, but if you want to make bangs look softer, it is better to use tooth scissors. Tooth scissors are serrated. The bangs cut in this way will not be too straight, and both men and women are the same.

5. Cutting Liu sea artifacts is easier for non-professionals to use. Because each tooth scissors cuts very little hair, you can cut your own hair even if you don't have a haircut basis, so you don't have to worry about getting a bad haircut. The artifact of cutting Liu Hai is suitable for home haircut and entertainment, and can not be trimmed into real Qi bangs.

The boy wants to cut the bangs naturally. Should the barber use tooth scissors or flat cuts?

In view of the question of whether a man's hair is cut with a tooth shearing or a flat haircut, it should be divided into different situations. If you only want to cut your hair short, you can use a flat haircut, but if you still want to cut your hair thin, you need to use a tooth shearing. The effect of using tooth shearing is better. If it is specific, it is judged according to the actual situation.

Flat scissors, tooth scissors can cut bangs, if you want to thin bangs, you can use tooth scissors, cutting bangs with teeth is also very simple, first fix the horizontal ruler on the bangs, so that the transparent liquid mark in the middle of the bubble, and then cut the hair on the ok.

Cutting Liu sea artifacts is easier for non-professionals to use. Because each tooth scissors cuts very little hair, you can cut your own hair even if you don't have a haircut basis, so you don't have to worry about getting a bad haircut. The artifact of cutting Liu Hai is suitable for home haircut and entertainment, and can not be trimmed into real Qi bangs.

Then, to see if you want to trim the bangs or oblique bangs, if it is the bangs, you only need to slowly trim the bangs in the center of the forehead to the position of the eyebrows, if you want to cut the bangs, roughly divide the bangs into the proportion of 3jue 7, and then use scissors to trim them slowly along the arc of trimming bangs.

What tools do you need to cut your own bangs and how to cut them?

Prepare tools, flat cut, thin cut comb: first, there used to be bangs, just because of the need for pruning. Wash hair, blow dry, bangs do not blow out of shape, natural drop state, and then in front of the mirror a little trim, pay attention not to use external force to affect the bangs, than the square hand clamp pull or press with a comb.

Tools ready to cut bangs must first be sharp if you want to do a good job, first prepare tools, scissors, pointed combs, bangs clips, edge clips, hair straighteners, etc., so that you can better handle the bangs. If the tools are not complete, the pruning effect is not so good. If you want to cut the air bangs, you can use a curler.

Transfiguration as a "cross-dressing master": to hide the bangs that are too short, a good way is to perm your hair, yes, bangs, too.

What kind of scissors should I use to cut bangs?

Natural bangs generally need to be trimmed with small scissors or professional trimming scissors. First of all, separate the hair from the parts that need to be trimmed, and be careful not to trim all the hair on the forehead, but to set aside some length to maintain a natural feel. Next, slowly cut off the excess hair by pressing the trimming scissors against the part that needs to be trimmed.

Neat bangs, cut with flat scissors. 2, broken bangs, at present, generally, also use flat shears, large angle, deep, vertical carving scissors, can cut bangs, very natural effect, look, not so stiff. 3, tooth scissors, commonly used in the past, cut the bangs, there is an obvious feeling of section by section.

That kind is a thin knife. If MM can use it, you can buy one. If you don't know how to use it, it will be strange to cut it out. | Let me ask for you | scissors I repaired with scissors | just use scissors. " You can't use something too blunt, and you have to use what you think is easy to use.

See what bangs you cut, Qi bangs can be cut flat, clip all the bangs to be cut with the middle finger and index finger, pull it at a 45-degree angle with the face, and then cut it along the horizontal line of the eyebrow. It will look good after trimming. I was taught by a barber. I always cut it this way.

Cutting Liu sea artifacts is easier for non-professionals to use. Because each tooth scissors cuts very little hair, you can cut your own hair even if you don't have a haircut basis, so you don't have to worry about getting a bad haircut. The artifact of cutting Liu Hai is suitable for home haircut and entertainment, and can not be trimmed into real Qi bangs.

Thin scissors, a dry sponge, a mirror, a comb, first of all, wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer. Then straighten out the bangs with a comb and let them hang naturally in front of them. As shown in the picture, the longer bangs can be grasped by hand to make them gather a little bit.

How to cut bangs at home?

Then, to see if you want to trim the bangs or oblique bangs, if it is the bangs, you only need to slowly trim the bangs in the center of the forehead to the position of the eyebrows, if you want to cut the bangs, roughly divide the bangs into the proportion of 3jue 7, and then use scissors to trim them slowly along the arc of trimming bangs.

First of all, you'd better wash your hair first. Wet hair will be easier to cut. Then identify the bangs, the air bangs are divided into 1 zone, usually bangs are divided into 2 zones, bangs are divided into 3 zones.

Clip the remaining hair on both sides, leaving a thin layer of bangs, pull the bangs on both sides to the middle, and press all the bangs with your thumb. Pull up about 45 degrees, pull the length to the parallel line of the corner of the eye, and press your thumb on all the hair. Take the scissors and cut off the long hair along the arc of the thumbnail to ensure that it is long on both sides and short in the middle.

Degree and azimuth trimming can first subtract the excess hair, and then use ordinary scissors to make the scissors perpendicular to the bangs, and then trim according to the length we want to trim.