What do children care about shaving their heads?

What do children care about shaving their heads?
Jun 15, 2023admin

The custom of a baby's first haircut

Custom of full moon haircut for children 1 full moon haircut for babies is generally presided over by newborn grandmothers (grandmothers). In most parts of the country, the full moon shaving ceremony is presented by the baby's grandmother, decorated in the auditorium, presided over by the baby's uncle, or must be attended by an uncle. The barber shaves the baby's hair.

Custom of baby's first haircut 1 what is the first time a child has a haircut? don't shave the baby's fetus hair casually. There is a custom in some places that the baby's full moon should be shaved, shaving off the fetus and even the eyebrows. I think that by doing so, the child's hair and eyebrows will grow black, dense and beautiful in the future.

Generally speaking, the baby can shave his head for the first time at the age of three months, but it is not suitable to shave his head. It is necessary to keep about 5mm's hair, which can better protect the baby's scalp.

According to our local custom, when the baby is full moon, we will take the baby to some older barbers to shave the fetal hair. after shaving, we will take a Lishi seal to collect the baby's fetal hair and take it home, and give the barber a red packet, which means that the baby is healthy and safe and grows up quickly.

Shaving a child's head for the first time is not a good sign, so giving a red envelope to a barber is also a sign of happiness, implying that the barber's business is booming. In short, the customs of each place are different, there will be some taboos and precautions to give the baby a haircut, the good things can be learned, and there is no need to worry about harm to the baby.

The head of the full moon is a unique custom in our country, the original baby starts from the beginning, life is complete! Custom: it is believed that the fetal hair of a baby comes from the mother, and it is inevitable that there is a so-called blood stain, so it is necessary to shave the head, on the one hand, to shave off the foul air, and on the other, to expect the baby's hair to grow thick.

What's so particular about a child's haircut?

Children pay attention to 369 haircuts because of folk customs, go out to choose an auspicious day, the general rule is to go out on the ninth day of the lunar calendar as an auspicious day. The best choice for doll shaving is in the ninth day of junior high school, which is conducive to the healthy growth of children. As the folk proverb goes: seven do not go out, eight do not go home. Three, six, nine, go out.

Wipe off the hair: a lot of broken hair will be lost in the haircut process. Before taking off the smock for the baby, gently sweep the baby's face, neck and ears with a sponge and sweep the broken hair away. Shower: after the baby has a haircut, a lot of hair crumbs will stick to the body and scalp, although it is good to give the baby a bath or shampoo, and then blow-dry, refreshing new hairstyle.

Prepare toys to prevent crying. Once the child wakes up or cries during the haircut, someone else is needed to tease the child and take out his favorite toys or other things of interest.

When giving your baby a haircut, you must choose a hairdresser with very little noise or mute, which can reduce your baby's fear and insecurity, and you must remember to choose safe and reliable brands and products.

Are full moon children particular about shaving their heads?

Custom of full moon haircut for children 1 full moon haircut for babies is generally presided over by newborn grandmothers (grandmothers). In most parts of the country, the full moon shaving ceremony is presented by the baby's grandmother, decorated in the auditorium, presided over by the baby's uncle, or must be attended by an uncle. The barber shaves the baby's hair.

If you don't believe in superstition, you don't have to shave your baby's head on a hundred days, just choose a highly skilled barber. The baby's skin is very good. Tender, so it is best to use professional hairdressing tools, otherwise if the scalp is injured and eventually lead to inflammation, the consequences will be very serious.

The folk saying that the full moon is unscientific, the baby's scalp is delicate, shaved head, accidentally will scratch the scalp, do not have to deliberately pursue the full moon bald. If you want to follow the custom, you can symbolically cut your hair. This process is fine.