How to set up a salon reception area in a hair salon

How to set up a salon reception area in a hair salon
Sep 25, 2020admin
The reception area of any business is one of the most convincing indicators of quality for customers. As a boss and salon specialist, a messy or unpleasant waiting room can make your business look unprofessional — in fact, it may drive away customers. If you set up your salon reception area by following these tips, customers will enjoy their time in your comfortable waiting room and will not be willing to leave!

Miscellaneous reading materials are neatly arranged

Every salon should have hairdress-related magazine readings filled with the most popular hairstyles and accessories of the year. Lay these out and let your customers read them carefully while they wait for their turn to sit in their chairs. Flipping through possible haircut miscellaneous pages can make time pass faster. If a client finds a hairstyle they like, having pictures on hand can help you know exactly what they want instead of relying on their vague descriptions.
Disinfecting magazines may not already be a breeze. In the current coronavirus pandemic, it is best to remove any books or magazines used by customers from circulation for four days. Before getting safe, recommend online references they can find on their phones.

Clean and Sanitize

Disinfecting furniture during the coronavirus pandemic isn't just a basic task – you should include a disinfection cleaning routine every night as part of your closure. Keep the area where customers spend their time neat and clean. Disinfect the reception desk for the benefit of receptionists and customers. Also wipe down chairs and tables. If you usually keep coffee cups or cups for water, make sure to wash them every night so you can be ready for the morning. Buy a large jug of hand sanitizer for your staff and customers to use in the reception room and make sure everyone knows to use it!

Advertise Partnered Products

When setting up the reception area, placing some shelves dedicated to the products you recommend can bring in some extra cash. These products can be hair care products or general beauty products. Try advertising for local businesses to keep money flowing in the community.

Keep your guests comfortable and clean

All the most important tips for setting up a salon reception area will involve making your customers feel comfortable and satisfied. Since you don't know how long customers might wait in the reception room, ensure their comfort by purchasing comfortable, comfortable reception furniture. Provide customers with plenty of space to stretch out and relax. If you can, you can offer guests free Wi-Fi or hot coffee. Don't forget to keep your receptionist comfortable – make sure they have enough space to organize documents or work on the computer.
If you're on a tight budget, you can buy high-quality, discounted salon furniture directly from Tasalon online. We have the perfect reception furniture to make your salon even more exciting.