The reputation of the hairdresser is the front line to win customers!

The reputation of the hairdresser is the front line to win customers!
Dec 17, 2022admin

The reputation of the hairdresser is the front line to win customers!

Brand is a kind of word-of-mouth in the popular sense, and brand influence determines the recognition of consumers. So how do hairdressers do brand marketing?

Successful hairdressers are very good at setting prices. Through price and service technology, to build loyal customer relationships, in addition to these loyal customers will come to the store regularly, but also help us do free word-of-mouth publicity to introduce new customers. However, hairdressing shop operators cannot be satisfied with this, and still need to continuously expand sales, advertising and various promotional activities, coupled with good services to develop new customers, so that the brand of hairdressing shops is deeply rooted in the minds of new and old customers.

The reputation of the hairdressing shop is the front line to win customers!_Guest

Word of mouth is a kind of verbal advertising, we call good word of mouth the most powerful advertisement without money. Because is it easy for a hairdresser to get customers to actively promote your hairdresser? It's hard, but that doesn't mean we can't do it! So let's talk about what word-of-mouth is.

In word of mouth, we want to talk about the catharsis of positive emotions and negative emotions. Both negative and positive word-of-mouth can have a significant impact on hairdressers. People's catharsis of negative emotions is always higher than the promotion of positive emotions, and bad word of mouth will make guests publicize everywhere. Guests do not care about the kind of service that is only generally competitive, but about the service that has a competitive advantage, so it is only through the service that impresses the guest that it is possible to spread their good reputation through the guest.

A good reputation is the link between guests and potential guests. There is an advertising slogan: "New customers come every day, old customers come every day", which actually refers to potential customers and old customers. Good word-of-mouth publicity can bring a lot of money to your store. Excellent service is the best barrier against the loss of guests, and guest defection is a serious infectious disease. Now that competition is fierce, guest loyalty is getting lower and lower. Guest defection is a term for the loss of customers, it is a serious infectious disease, if there is a customer defection in the hairdressing shop, it must be a large number of customers. Customers have the right to choose the most suitable hairdresser, only by providing quality service can it be possible to prevent the loss of customers, make customers feel inseparable from you, and they will not try other hairdressers for other factors.

The reputation of the hairdressing shop is the front line to win customers!_Guest

The only therapy is to be customer-centered and provide the best service to guests. Only in this way will it be possible to save the renegade customer, and all this is achieved through quality service, never through product quality. Regular customers are the cornerstone of the growth of hairdressers. From a value perspective, regular guests equate to less expense. While striving to win new customers, hairdressers should prevent the loss of old customers and make their customer base more stable. Customers come to the store to spend is to experience quality service, and hairdressers should meet customer needs and reassure customers.