How hairdressers serve loyal customers

How hairdressers serve loyal customers
Dec 26, 2022admin

How hairdressers serve loyal customers

Celebrities have their own fan base, so that they can establish themselves in the entertainment industry. Barber salons, too! You must have your own loyal customers. This requires capturing the hearts of loyal customers. Here are three important factors for grabbing customers, and we hope that you who join the beauty salon can learn from it.

1. Feelings

In life, we will be full of a lot of emotions, and the premise of emotion is feelings. Everyone has feelings, and only feelings can move people, and the same is true for hairdressers! Customers can be helped to meet their needs through emotional communication. In the daily work of the hairdresser, you can communicate with the customer as if it were your own friend, and this must be sincere so that the customer can feel it. In the current situation of severe insecurity, it is difficult to convince customers that you are a certain difficulty. But feelings are not deceptive, so as long as you can communicate with them with a sincere attitude and dispel customers' doubts, so that you can feel something, and then believe in your service, and be willing to come back to our store again.

How hairdressers serve loyal customers

2, the effect

The so-called effect, for a hairdressing shop, is of course the experience effect of the project and the product. When providing services to customers, it should have a strong technical level to help customers meet their needs, and the experience effect of the product is also an important aspect. Why do you say that? Because for a new type of hairdressing shop, it can also increase the performance of the hairdressing shop through the sales of products. Product safety has always been a concern for customers, so to dispel customers' doubts, not only sincere service, but also product quality explanation. For the application of the product, you can choose to show and recommend the effect of the product to customers. If the effect of the hairdresser's project and product can be felt by customers, it will not be difficult to win the trust of customers!

How hairdressers serve loyal customers

3, details

"Small things make big things, details make perfect", the operation of hairdressing shops is of course inseparable from the management of details. When customers enter the door, they should smile and say: Welcome! Give customers who are new to the store a sense of affinity and lead customers into the waiting area to help customers pour a glass of boiling water. If the customer needs to wait too long, for the customer who washes, cuts, and blows, then you can chat with the customer, but take some books that the customer is interested in. For customers who want to perm dye, you can also choose to let them choose the color and price first to pass the long waiting time.